കൊങ്കൺ റെയിൽവേയിൽ 190 അപ്രന്റിസ് ഒഴിവ്
അപേക്ഷ സമർപ്പിക്കേണ്ട അവസാന തീയതി : ഡിസംബർ 10.

Konkan Railway Recruitment 2023 : കൊങ്കൺ റെയിൽവേയിൽ ഗ്രാജ്വേറ്റ്, ടെക്നീഷ്യൻ (ഡിപ്ലോമ) അപ്രന്റിസ്ഷിപ്പിന് അപേക്ഷിക്കാം.
Konkan Railway Recruitment 2023 : Online applications are invited by Konkan Railway Corporation Limited (KRCL) for Post of Trainee Apprentices
190 ഒഴിവുണ്ട്.
വിഷയങ്ങളും ഒഴിവും
- സിവിൽ എൻജിനീയറിങ്-30,
- ഇലക്ട്രിക്കൽ എൻജിനീയറിങ്-20,
- ഇലക്ട്രോണിക്സ് എൻജിനീയറിങ്-10,
- മെക്കാനിക്കൽ എൻജിനീയറിങ്-20,
- ഡിപ്ലോമ (സിവിൽ)-30,
- ഡിപ്ലോമ (ഇലക്ട്രിക്കൽ)-20,
- ഡിപ്ലോമ (ഇലക്ട്രോണിക്സ്)-10,
- ഡിപ്ലോമ (മെക്കാനിക്കൽ)-30,
- ജനറൽ സ്ട്രീം ഗ്രാജ്വേറ്റ്-30.
യോഗ്യത: എൻജിനീയറിങ്/ ആർട്ട്സ്/സയൻസ്/ കൊമേഴ്സ് ബിരുദം/ ഡിപ്ലോമ.
2019 മുതൽ 2023 വരെയുള്ള വർഷങ്ങളിൽ പാസായവർക്കാണ് അവസരം.
പ്രായം: 18-25 വയസ്സ്. (അർഹരായ വിഭാഗങ്ങൾക്ക് ഇളവ് ബാധകം).
സ്റ്റൈപ്പൻഡ്: ബിരുദധാരികൾക്ക് 9000 രൂപ ഡിപ്ലോമക്കാർക്ക് 8000 രൂപ.
അപേക്ഷാ ഫീസ്: വനിതകൾക്കും മതന്യൂനപക്ഷങ്ങൾക്കും ഇ.ഡബ്ല്യു.എസ്. എസ്.സി., എസ്.ടി. വിഭാഗക്കാർക്കും ഫീസില്ല.
മറ്റുള്ളവർക്ക് 100 രൂപ.
കൊങ്കൺ റെയിൽവേക്കുവേണ്ടി ഭൂമി വിട്ടുകൊടുത്തവരുടെ കുടുംബങ്ങളിൽനിന്നുള്ളവർക്ക് തിരഞ്ഞെടുപ്പിൽ മുൻഗണനയുണ്ടാവും.
വിശദവിവരങ്ങൾ https://konkanrailway.com എന്ന വെബ്സൈറ്റിൽ ലഭിക്കും.
അപേക്ഷ സമർപ്പിക്കേണ്ട വിധം
അപേക്ഷ ഓൺലൈനായി സമർപ്പിക്കണം.
അപേക്ഷ സമർപ്പിക്കേണ്ട അവസാന തീയതി : ഡിസംബർ 10.
Important Links |
Official Notification | Click Here |
Apply Online | Click Here |
More Info | Click Here |
Konkan Railway Corporation Limited (KRCL) Notification 2023
Online applications are invited by Konkan Railway Corporation Limited (KRCL) from the candidates having qualification of Graduation / Diploma in Engineering (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical or Electronics) and Graduates in General stream who have passed out during 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023 for enrolment as Graduate Apprentices or Technician (Diploma) Apprentices for undergoing one year Apprenticeship training under the
Apprentices Act, 1961/1973 (as amended) for the following training slots.
- Civil Engineering-30
- Electrical Engineering-20
- Electronics Engineering-10
- Mechanical Engineering-20
- Diploma (Civil)- 30
- Diploma (Electrical)-20
- Diploma (Electronics)-10
- Diploma (Mechanical)-20
- General Stream Graduates-30
Educational Qualification
a) Category – I Graduate Apprentices:- The candidate must be a Graduate in Engineering in the listed fields from recognized (AICTE) University as under:-
i. Civil Engineering. BE/B.Tech in Civil Engineering.
ii. Electrical Engineering: BE/B.Tech in i) Electrical / Electronics & Power Engineering or ii) Combination of any sub stream of Basics streams of Electrical.
iii. Electronics Engineering: BE/B.Tech in i) Electrical/Electronics/Information Technology/ Communication Engineering/ Computer Science & Engineering / Computer Science/
Computer Engineering Or ii) a combination of any sub stream of basic streams of Electrical/ Electronics/InformationTechnology/Communication Engineering.
iv. Mechanical Engineering: BE/B.Tech in Mechanical/Industrial/ Automobile/Production Engineering.
b. Category – II Technician (Diploma) Apprentices:- The candidate must be a Diploma holder in any of the listed fields from a University or Institution recognized by Central/State Govt. Technical Education Board or University as under:-
i. Civil Engineering: Diploma in Civil Engineering.
ii. Electrical Engineering: Diploma in Electrical/ Electronics & Power Engineering or a combination of any sub stream of basic streams of Electrical/ Electronics.
iii. Electronics Engineering: Diploma in Electrical/Electronics/Information technology/Communication
Engineering/ Computer Science & Engineering / Computer Science/ Computer engineering or a combination of any sub stream of basic streams of Electrical/ Electronics..
iv. Mechanical Engineering : Diploma in Mechanical/Industrial/ Automobile/Production Engineering.
c. Category – III Graduate Apprentices:- The candidate must be a Graduate in any of the listed General Streams from a University or Institute recognized by UGC/Central or State Govt/Technical Education Board.
i. General Stream Graduates: Degree in Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Business Administration / Bachelor of Management Science / Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication / Bachelor of Business Studies.
Age Limit: 18-25 years as on 01.09.2023 (DOB between 01.09.1998 to 01.09.2005).
There will be upper age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST candidates and 3 years for OBC-NCL candidates, subject to submission of required documents at the time of document verification.
Stipend: Stipend shall be payable as per following:
- For Graduate Apprentices – Rs.9000/- p.m.
- For Technician (Diploma) Apprentices – Rs.8000/- p.m.
Candidates will have to make their own lodging/boarding arrangements during the period of
The candidate, who is enrolled as a Graduate Apprentice/ Technician Apprentice for training in KRCL, is required to possess Bank Account in his/her own name only and PAN card to receive stipend.
Application fee: Candidates applying for training have to pay the prescribed processing fee as per their category detailed below:
1. For all candidates except the fee concession categories mentioned below as Sr no. 2 (Non Refundable) Rs.100/-
2. For candidates belonging to SC /ST/Female/ minorities / Economically Weaker Section- Nil
Konkan Railway Recruitment 2023 : How to Apply
- The candidates should keep ready the following particulars at the time of filling up the application form:
a. Active email ID and Mobile Number.
b. Enrollment/Verified Registered details of NATS portal. The candidate should invariably be a passout from 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 or 2023. - Candidate must fill in application only through the link provided on the official website of KRCL on https://konkanrailway.com/ under the Quick Links → Graduate Apprentice/Technician Apprentice for training in KRCL.
- Read all the information and instructions detailed in the notification thoroughly before starting filling up of the application to prevent any mistakes while filling the application.
- Candidates should ensure that they possess/fulfill all eligibility conditions prescribed for the training as on the closing date for submitting application.
- Candidate has to register his/her candidature in order to start with. A registration number will be generated. This registration number will be sent to the candidates through registered mobile number and email ID.
- Once the registration is done he/she needs to fill in all the necessary information and submit the application form.
- Candidates should enter their name, father’s name and date of birth as recorded in the Matriculation/SSC/High school examination certificate or an equivalent certificate ONLY.
- In case of name change, candidates should indicate their changed name only in the application. However other details should match with the Matriculation or equivalent certificate. Date of such change (Or) application for such change should be prior to the date of submission of the application. Gazette Notification or any other legal document as applicable for such cases
should be submitted at the time of DV. - Candidates should have their personal email id and keep them active for the entire duration of enrolment for training as KRCL shall send all communications only through email till the process is completely over. KRCL will not entertain any request for change of mobile number and e-mail address at any stage.
- Candidates shortlisted will be called for DV and are required to produce all original documents along with two sets of self attested photo copies of all documents at the time of DV.
- Candidates are advised to note and preserve their Registration Number for further stages of enrolment process / correspondence with KRCL.
- No daily allowance / conveyance allowance or travelling allowance will be paid to the candidates called for document verification.
- Selection of the candidate for training shall be cancelled if he/she fails to produce the required original testimonials for verification or any other discrepancy noticed at any stage.
- If it is noticed by the KRCL administration that the candidate has furnished wrong/fake Certificates / false certificates, the Konkan Railway administration reserves the right to terminate the contract of training entered with the candidate under NATS scheme.
- Candidates are advised to apply for training slot as per latest educational qualification updated on NATS portal. In case applicant has applied erroneously for wrong slot, then same will be rejected at the stage of document verification.
Konkan Railway Recruitment 2023 : Important Links |
Official Notification | Click Here |
Apply Online | Click Here |
More Info | Click Here |